FAQs and expert advice about hair & beauty

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Yorkshire Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

The perfect medi-ped

The perfect medi-ped

Q I'm always on my feet for my job and I know I need to take care of my feet before the big day. What can I do to help with the dry skin build up?
A Margaret Dabbs says: The position of callus and hard skin on the foot is dependent on specific gait related issues including pressure and weight distribution through standing and walking etc. Being on your feet for long periods of time builds pressure to these areas, causing hard skin and callus to develop. Hard skin on the feet can be unsightly and cause pain and fissures or cracks in the skin.

For foot care and maintenance leading up to your wedding day, hard skin can be removed at home with the use of a good foot file before a bath or shower when the skin is dry, followed by daily use of a lotion such as the Margaret Dabbs London Intensive Hydrating Foot Lotion. The wearing of cushioned and comfort insoles will help to reduce the friction and pressure, helping to prevent the formation of hard skin and the daily use of the foot lotion will work to visibly reduce hard skin build up by softening the skin, thereby reducing the pressure, which in turn reduces the development of hard skin.

A medical pedicure with a qualified Podiatrist two to four weeks before your big day and a beauty pedicure and toenail paint with your manicure on the eve of your wedding and honeymoon will ensure your feet are in tip top condition.

Margaret Dabbs

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